Merry Christmas!⚡Big sale🎁Christmas-cherry merry Christmas banner vintage xmas decorations indoor for home office party fireplace mantle
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Sturdy enough to stand up to years of use, this banner is also light enough to be hung up with just scotch tape!. Strung on coordinating green satin ribbon, MERRY CHRISTMAS stretches over 54″” hung double, and over 84″” hung side by side. Red letters are backed with a soft olive green flourish. Each 5.8 x 5.8 inch paperboard card is distressed in brown for a unique and vintage look. MERRY CHRISTMAS is the delightfully festive eye-candy to brighten up your home, office or church.
Celebrate the season with a festive holiday banner.The Merry Christmas Vintage Banner by ORIENTAL CHERRY is the perfect decoration for your fireplace this holiday season.